Cookie Policy

What is a Cookie?

We use cookies to improve your experience. A cookie is a small text file that is sent to your internet browser. Cookies help you navigate websites quickly and efficiently. Cookies also enable recognition of users’ web surfing behaviour.

Why does Laevo BV use cookies?

Laevo BV uses cookies to ensure you have the best possible user experience on our website and can navigate the site quickly and efficiently. We also deploy cookies to determine where we can improve the website to make it even quicker and easier for you to find what you are looking for. Cookies are also used to provide you with relevant information and offers.

What cookies do we use?

  1. Essential cookies (type 1)
    These cookies are absolutely necessary for the functions of the web pages. Without these cookies we would not be able to offer you services.

  2. Functional cookies (type 2)
    These cookies facilitate the operation and improve the functions of the web pages. For example, we store your language settings in functional cookies.

  • Performance cookies (type 3)
    These cookies collect information about how you use our website. This enables us to identify which parts of our Internet offer are particularly popular and thus improve our offer for you. Laevo BV uses tracking cookies such as Google analytics.

  1. Third-party cookies (type 4)
    These cookies are set by third parties, e.g. social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Google+, whose content you can integrate via the “social plug-ins” offered on our websites.

Can I change my cookie settings?

Cookies on our website can’t be switched off. You may disable cookies for this website in your browser which may reduce its functionality.